
Dienstag, 1. April 2014

I think I quit FaceBook

Well,  as expected, this message at Facebook did get me some reactions.

One did encourage me to do so, but the main thought was, you're joking, why and noooooo.

Let me make it clear. I am not quitting YET.
But I am more and more considering why I am at FaceBook

Do I realy need to read there how my friends are doing?

Do they need to read there what I am doing?
There are good alternative places, like this blog.  Okay, there is rarely someone reading it, but that can change, I mean, when people realy are intrested in me, they can find it, right?

Furtheron, not so long ago there was email, and a bit longer ago snail mail, to contact each other. It still is there, and the advantage of using that is that you decide yourself who is reading the information you spend.
Sounds good huh?  Just like a telephone call. It is possible to talk with people, and then with only the person for who the message is meant.  What a revelation, isn't it? :)

The Facebook phenomena.
When I can not sleep I sneak on line, tell that I cannot sleep and almost every time there is someone who replies. Exciting!!!  :-)
When I feel ill, I talk to Facebook and there is always one who feels sorry, and another one who is giving me advices that are absolute useless :)
When a friend of mine has something to tell, I read it and react. Then all the sudden a total stranger (for me) is involving the discussion and reacting on things that I did definitely NOT say to that person!
Or the person in question doesnt like my reply and tells me to off. Or leaves without a word. Wow.. true friendship sounds different for me

When I have a picture to share, peoiple say, hey lovely, where is it?
Why do you need to ask, when you know me, when you know where I live and what I do (because I share of course when I go shopping, or go into the zoo... we need to share that, because it is facebook, yea!)

I feel ill. I tell facebook where I go, what I do, what is happening and when I am back again.
And at the moments that I am 'on the road'  I tell facebook where I am, what I do, risking that I miss the plane, crash against a car or.. whatever. The show must go on, I cannot let my friends unknown about where I am.

Or worse. Imagine, when I am 2 days not on line. How many people start to worry and wonder where I am, what I am doing?  Panic!  :-)  Well, mainly that is for the games (that I rarely play anylonger) but still, they think the most horrible things, while in fact I might have other priorities for a bit.  Ask, if you want to know. And if you cant ask it other then over Facebook, maybe you are not a THAT close friend. :-)

There is no moment that Facebook is not asking me what I am doing, where I am or how I feel, and I feel that I have to reply to that.  It is the Facebook pressure that grips us and forces us to give up our privacy.

So, you think this aint true?  Well, it might be intresting to look back at your own time line...
What I did describe is a bit extreme, but for many of us it is reality, more or less.

I know, there are people in my friends list as well, that give away less, and others give away more.  But it is amazing how much of our privacy we give away from free will.
That makes me wonder why I should stay at facebook.

How useful it is to read that you woke up with a headache?
What does it help me to see you posting 100 pictures of your holiday?
The most worse example in this comes from someone who I did consider as a wonderful friend.
Who did prefer to put very private information at FaceBook, above telling in private what was going on.  I had to read on line the sad thngs, and then, in the end, the person was shocked that I did not react 'as a friend'.

Facebook can get a touch too much!  And there you have the point where it is about. I want myself to think, consider and reconsider, what I am doing on FaceBook.
I will definitely change my attitude and go to use it more for P and P , what in my case is not Personal and Privacy, but  Pictures and Poetry.  And maybe some more of my passions.

And what I definitly never will do as well, is giving up friendships. I might be crazy, but I am not a fool!  True Friendships last longer then FaceBook. And there you have it

Oh, and do not forget the sheep :)

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