
Freitag, 27. Dezember 2013

What realy is dangerous at Facebook & Co

We are (almost) all on it, and we are (almost) all aware about the inproper things that happen at facebook and Co.

The big issue of the past time is about data mining, getting as much info from 'us', and returning personalized messages.  We know that FaceBook is doing this (such as google and all other big businesses), and we accept it. Sometimes we are shocked with what happens, and for me it gives a giggle when, for example, I am chatting with a person who is original from kroatia, that I get commercials for holidays at Croatia.

My personal hero of 2013, Snowden, did do a good job this year in making the world realize about how much of our lives is realy private.  Fact is that, when you realy want your privacy, you should not be at the internet at all.  But, that was a side walk, I wanted to tell something about Facebook and the real dangers of it.

The real dangers of Facebook, in my eyes, are not the facts that they are collecting our data. We give it, they take it, in fact we agree with this at the moment that we create our account. We cannot blame (or sue) them for doing the things that google, microsoft, apple, samsung and you name it, are doing as well!

The real danger of Facebook (and other social media) are the personal messages that we place.
How often do I see messages from people that tell about their illness, about their sleepless nights.  I do it mself as well, it is so easy. And there is always someone who reacts, no matter what time of the day, or night, that I post such, someone is there to awwww or ahhhh with you.
We tend to consider our networks as friends, living persons, who realy do care. When no one else does care, there is always a Facebook Friend that does..  

The internet is nothng better then any other place. There are 80 percent people of good will, a few that are not even aware that they are around, a few that use it day and night and a few that are searching for trouble.

Nowadays we all have some private troubles, one bigger then the other, and we tend to hare them as well with our on line friends. What is okay, of course, that's where friends are for-

Now there you see the danger. Sharing things with firends is okay, they help and care. But in those days that we consider social networks, Facebook, as a friend, we tend to mix up and tell our friend FaceBook what is wrong in our life.  Problems at work, share them with FaceBook, FB will take care.  But FB has as well eyes with your bosses and enemies.
Problems in your family (and who has not)?  Share them with your big friend FB. There is always someoen who cares, or who supports you. No matter if you are right or wrong, someone DOES listen to you.

That, in my opinion, is the biggest danger that our friend FB (and the others) is for us.  FaceBook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google, they ar NOT human!  People who use it are. So, when you start writing something about persons, how rude are you treated, how desperate you are, and share it with your friend FB, your friend FB will share it with all your friends. And there is always someone who understands what you mean. And there is often someone who in fact should not read your words, or who can interprete them wrong.

I did see that myself as well.  A she, who is realy close to me, did hurt me. We did not share it with our big friend FB, but we did it in emails. A tiny bit more private that is. Not much, but still.
Then, there was that remark that she did place and did share with her huge friend FB.  And of course, someone did react.  The someone that reacted is exactly the other one that did hurt me. Who is so keen to not share the stuff with his big friend FB.  But he did react.  Big friend FB did share it with me. I was already unfriended and blocked, but the info came still to me.  I shall not react further on it, but the fact that I did see that reaction, I didnt ask for it, made me realize how vulnerable we all are on line.

No matter how careful we are, there is no guarantee that your messages might reach eyes that you dont want to see them.  And when you use your personal time line to tell your friend FB your sorrow, you can be sure that there are people reading it, who shouldnt.

Share what you like, it is lovely to see what you eat, it is lovely to see you having fun with your friends, it is wonderful to see great pictures and wisdoms that you found.
We all make the mistake to put some private matters on line and share it with our friend FB. And it is good to realize that he is not our friend. He is the biggest danger for your life and can ruin it. More then the personal issues that you have with others.  Be careful!

Montag, 23. Dezember 2013


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Pinkpop 2014

eerste namen PINKPOP 2014

Metallica op Pinkpop 2014
Op 2 december jl kon de organisatie METALLICA aankondigen als de eerste headliner voor Pinkpop 2014. De band stond in 2008 al op Pinkpop, dat toen voor de eerste keer niet plaatsvond in het Pinksterweekend. Deze keer is dat wel het geval en zal de band het festival afsluiten op Pinkstermaandag 9 juni. De band komt naar Landgraaf voor een all request show; voor het eerst in het bestaan van deze band met talloze platina albums en prijzen op hun naam. Als een speciaal eerbetoon aan de fans zal de band "Metallica by Request" introduceren, de ultieme interactieve Metallica show ervaring.
Fans die online tickets kopen voor Pinkpop worden uitgenodigd om te stemmen en zo de setlist van hun dromen samen te stellen met Metallica songs. Ze krijgen de kans om hun eigen setlist samen te stellen uit meer dan 30 jaar Metallica materiaal, bestaand uit bijna 140 nummers. Van de traditionele set van 18 nummers die Metallica zal spelen zullen er 17 afkomstig zijn uit de bovenste regionen van deze de lijst en, omdat de band ook een bijdrage wil leveren, is het achttiende nummer een gloednieuw nummer! Fans kunnen op bekijken op welke nummers is gestemd door andere fans en het wat het eindresultaat is voor hun show.
"We worden zo langzamerhand knettergek tussen de vier muren van de studio en zijn eraan toe om in mei en juni volgend jaar weer nieuwe energie te krijgen van onze toegewijde Europese vrienden,' zegt drummer Lars Ulrich. 'Bovendien wordt het allemaal nog leuker doordat onze gekke fans de nummers uitkiezen die we gaan spelen, en ze halen een last van mijn schouders omdat ik degene ben die normaal gesproken de setlist opstelt!'
Arcade Fire op Pinkpop 2014   Met de bevestiging van ARCADE FIRE is er weer een prachtige naam toegevoegd aan het programma van Pinkpop 2014. De Canadese rockband is een van de spannendste acts van het moment en staat geprogrammeerd op Pinkstermaandag 9 juni. De band gevormd rond het echtpaar Win Butler en Régine Chassagne bracht op 25 oktober hun nieuwe album 'Reflektor' uit. 'Reflektor' is de door critici bejubelde opvolger van album 'The Suburbs' en bijbehorende single 'We Used To Wait', waarmee Arcade Fire definitief doorbrak. 'We Used To Wait' werd zelfs Megahit op 3FM.
Bastille op Pinkpop 2014
Zanger Dan Smith van het Britse BASTILLE heeft vorige week woensdag live, tijdens de sluiting van het Glazen Huis van 3FM's 'Serious Request 2013', laten weten dat de band volgend jaar voor een aantal shows naar Nederland komt. Gelukkig wordt Pinkpop daarbij niet overgeslagen. BASTILLE scoorde afgelopen jaar grote hits met 'Pompeii', 'Of The Night' en 'Things We Lost In The Fire', allemaal afkomstig van debuutalbum 'Bad Blood', en staat in maart 2014 op de planken van een reeds uitverkochte Heineken Music Hall. Stond de band afgelopen jaar nog als invaller op de Brand Bier Stage van Pinkpop, nu mag Bastille band zich dus geheel terecht opmaken voor een spot op de 3FM stage op zaterdag 7 juni.
Stromae op[ Pinkpop 2014   De Brusselse artiest STROMAE heeft afgelopen zondag tijdens zijn verrassingsbezoek en -optreden in 3FM’s Glazen Huis bekendgemaakt dat hij een show zal geven op Pinkpop 2014. STROMAE is een dichter, kunstenaar en chansonnier in één, gevangen in een lang, tenger postuur met een aparte motoriek. Zijn fotogenieke gezicht en opvallende kledij verhullen de bescheiden, beleefde en innemende Paul van Haver. Een ‘doodgewone’ Brusselse twintiger die naar eigen zeggen personages creëert in zijn muziek; een etalagepop als vaderfiguur in ‘Papaoutai’, een dronkenlap met liefdesverdriet in ‘Formidable’ en een androgyn wezen met twee gezichten in ‘Tous Les Mêmes’. Na zijn uitverkochte clubtour en een reeds uitverkochte Heineken Music Hall is Pinkpop de logische volgende stap, waar hij op 9 juni op het podium staat.


Bij Pinkpop horen fijne tradities zoals de GOUDEN TIP waarbij de Pinkpop fans hun wensen kenbaar maken en hiermee het programma deels kunnen bepalen. Via de website en de facebook-pagina kun je nog tot 23 december 00.00 uur drie favoriete acts opgeven.
De Gouden Tip is voor de organisatie in al die jaren een uitstekend middel gebleken om te horen welke nieuwe acts men wil zien op Pinkpop en tevens maken de deelnemers kans op allereerste entreekaarten voor het festival.

Geef je Gouden Tip >
  Gouden Tip


De 45ste editie van het Pinkpop festival zal weer vertrouwd tijdens het Pinksterweekend plaatsvinden: zaterdag 7, zondag 8 en maandag 9 juni 2014 vormt Megaland in Landgraaf weer het decor voor een nieuwe editie van het festival. De traditionele perspresentatie met bekendmaking van het programma, vindt plaats op woensdag 12 maart 2014 in poptempel Paradiso te Amsterdam.
De start van de voorverkoop staat gepland op zaterdag 15 maart 2014.

Let op: Er kunnen voor deze datum al kaarten op het internet worden aangeboden, maar koop deze niet, dit zijn geen officiële kaarten! Kijk voor meer informatie op
Prettige Fesstdagen
Meer info:

Als dank voor je steun in 2013

Soms zeggen beelden meer dan woorden. Bekijk de online versie.
23 / 12 / 2013  
Beste Hans,

Ik schrijf je dit bericht vanuit Sint-Petersburg, waar ik moet blijven tot ik een uitreisvisum krijg.
Jouw steun en die van vele anderen wereldwijd hebben me kracht en vertrouwen gegeven tijdens mijn detentie in Rusland. Ontzettend bedankt daarvoor.

Soms zeggen beelden meer dan woorden. Bekijk de video en zie wat jij mogelijk hebt gemaakt.

Met jouw inzet komen we een stap dichter bij het beschermen van het Noordpoolgebied. En samen zorgen we voor gezonde bossen en zeeën vol leven. Met vereende krachten krijgen we de energierevolutie van de grond.

Nogmaals bedankt en de allerbeste wensen voor 2014!

Faiza Oulahsen, campagneleider klimaat & energie

Geef je mening en deel nieuws, video's en updates over onze campagnes:
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Freitag, 20. Dezember 2013

RIP David Richards

For the exception I did hop to Brian's soupbox to read his words about the news that David Richards did pass away. One of the Queen (and for all Freddie Mercury) song producers. 

One by one .. 

Brian, David Richards and Roger
A sad day in Montreux and for Queen people around the world.
Today we lost a very fine rock music producer and a great friend. Very sad to say that David Richards passed away today in Switzerland - after recurrent bouts of illness.
We, as Queen, met David when we first stepped into Mountain Studios in the 1980s - and we instantly 'clicked'.  Dave was one of those people with a magic touch. Softly spoken and always absorbed in his work, David became our producer/ engineer of choice for half a dozen Queen studio albums - which is quick to say, but sums up an enormous volume of work. He had an innate talent for blending sounds - it was as if the studio was an extension of his body, so intimately in control of its workings was Mr Richards.
David saw us through the changes from Analogue to Digital recording - but everything still ended up physically on reels of tape in those days. David was particularly adept at manipulating tape, synching up more than one multitrack at a time so we could effectively work on an unlimited number of parallel instrument tracks in any one song at a time. With us he pioneered the use of 'slave' reels which were used to store material which was to be needed later, freeing up the ‘master’.  In those days prior to the now all-pervasive hard disc and Protools technology, David used an early programming technique to make rhythmic loops from drums and sometimes bass, which he had an uncanny knack of combining with already recorded backing tracks, giving them a distinctive 'easy' feel.
While we were out on our various tours, David worked successfully in Mountain Studios with other artists - notably David Bowie, Chris Rea and Iggy Pop ... Always at max quality.
David was our lynch-pin during all those final days when we knew Freddie was near the end. When, months later, we got close to assembling the final versions of all those precious fragments into the tracks which made up the ‘Made in Heaven’ album, most of which we'd worked in Roger's and my own studios in England, we once again returned to Montreux and David.  Together we tied up every loose end, polished and fine-tuned the mixes.  
One of my favourite moments with him was the creation of "Track 13" for that album. David and I lit up joss sticks and candles in the control room, powered up every machine in the building, and sat 'painting pictures’ with synthesisers and samplers against a slowly changing backdrop of drones - for the whole night - something like 8 hours, by the time it had evolved.  Roger wafted in, enjoyed the vibe, and played a 'solo' half way through, and wafted out.  Then somehow we got to a place where it seemed like the music had taken us all the way through some kind of worm-hole and out the other side. In the refreshing emergence we thought we could hear Freddie laughing - still not sure where that particular sample came from, but we left it in ... it's all mixed in with echoes of classical themes - the music seemed to have a life of its own. And - no - we didn't take any drugs !!! 
Well, dear David ... We will miss you badly.  But I’m happy that we saw you one more time just a few days ago at the opening of the Queen Studio Experience.  I'm happy that, in my small speech, I remembered to say that one of the greatest reasons for always coming back to Montreux was David Richards.  And I'm happy you said afterwards, "I'm one of the luckiest men on the planet, to have shared all those times with you guys". 
I would add, "And one of the most talented". 
Rest in Peace, David. Our recorded music will carry a testament to your great work forever. 


David Ricahrds - Stereo
David Richards, Engineer/Producer to QUEEN.

  • David Richards RIP

    Best known to Queen fans as the producer of their last four albums, David Richards' career was varied and distinguished.

    Born into a musical family in London in 1956, his father Bobby Richards worked as an orchestrator and arranger on various movie and stage productions, most notably with John Barry.

    David began piano lessons aged three, and by five he had already won a prize playing to an audience of over three hundred. He also became a championship-winning ice-skater and, whilst preparing the soundtracks for his skating routines, discovered a talent for editing music on audio-tape with a razor-blade and sticky-tape.

    As a boy of eight, David witnessed his father working on a movie soundtrack in a big London studio and later recalled: "There was a huge sound, all these knobs and guys with smart clothes, very cool, behind the console. I realised that this was what I wanted to do".

    David secured his first job in 1973 at Chappell Studios in London where he worked as assistant to chief engineer John Timperley recording many of the greats including Bing Crosby. He said of the time: "I learned to respect the musicians and to never interrupt them while they were searching for an idea".

    In 1975 John Timperley relocated to Montreux, Switzerland, as chief engineer of the brand-new state-of-the-art Mountain Studios within the recently re-built casino building, and asked David to accompany him. Within two years John had moved on to other things and David became chief engineer at the age of 21.

    By this time David had married Collette McCready and had two children together.

    During his time working at Mountain Studios, David encountered a huge range of artists plus hundreds more coming through the Montreux Jazz Festival. All this music, recording and mixing provided an enormous wealth of experience and, with his natural musical talent and his calm, discreet and efficient manner, it was unsurprising he was soon in demand as a record producer racking up countless gold and platinum discs and production credits for Queen, David Bowie, Chris Rea, Iggy Pop and Duran Duran to name a few. He won a Juno award in 1978 for Best Jazz Recording and at one point in 1994 David was Billboard Magazine's Producer Of The Month with three Number One records.

    David eventually bought the studio from Queen in 1993 and continued to work there until 2002 when he relocated Mountain Studios to the village of Attalens, not far from Montreux. Needless to say, his production work took him all over the world for months at a time but he always returned to his home near Montreux and Mountain Studios.

    After his first marriage ended David had a longstanding relationship with the cellist Nathalie Manser, producing a number of CDs together. Latterly he was married to Vivian Wong.

    David Richards passed away on the morning of Friday 20th December 2013 after a long illness. He will be remembered by many as a good friend. He was funny and generous and great company, a talented and capable man who had an instinctive "magic touch" in the recording studio. His creative productions and will be enjoyed for years to come.

    He is survived by his daughter Wendy and son Christopher.

    (Photo: Brian May, Roger Taylor, Claude Nobs, Freddie Mercury, David Richards and John Deacon)

Dienstag, 17. Dezember 2013


A message from the campaign


Beautiful images of cleared and stained fishes have gone viral in recent months. I asked Dr. Adam Summers, who made the images, to explain the research technique and what questions it can answer. Check out his post here:

sign this petition! Australia: Don't Sacrifice the GBR for a Coal Port

action alert!
The Great Barrier Reef is already in enough danger. Now, the government is trying to poison it with a nearby coal port.
Please sign the petition today!
take action
please share
it helps!
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Dear hans,

The future of the Great Barrier Reef was already looking grim -- it’s facing critical threats from climate change, ocean acidification, and pollution. And now, the government wants to put it in even further peril by expanding a nearby coal port.

Australia’s government has just granted permission to expand Abbot Point into one of the world’s largest coal ports. Before development even starts, preparation involves dredging three million cubic metres of sea bed and dumping the spoil near or in the Great Barrier Reef.

To add even more damage, the pollution attracted by the port will put the reef's fish and coral in further danger. The UN, the fishing and tourist industries, scientists, and others have all voiced their objections. But the government has so far refused to listen.

We can't let Abbott and his cronies keep putting profit over the environment. Stand against the Abbot Point Coal Port!

care2 Thank you for taking action,

Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team

Montag, 16. Dezember 2013

EIGHT YEARS in prison for Facebook post

Sign the Petition!
Dear hans friedhoff,
This story is almost too awful to believe -- and it's taken a turn for the worse.  First teenager Justin Carter was jailed for making a bad joke on Facebook.  And now he's on SUICIDE WATCH. 

Let's try to make things better, and be sure that Justin knows that thousands of us stand with him.

According to his dad, while Justin was playing a video game "[S]omeone had said something to the effect of 'Oh you're insane, you're crazy, you're messed up in the head. To which [Justin] replied 'Oh yeah, I'm real messed up in the head, I'm going to go shoot up a school full of kids and eat their still, beating hearts,’ and the next two lines were 'lol and jk' [all sic]."

Even though it was a clear joke -- underscored by the shorthand for "laugh out loud" and "just kidding" -- a woman who saw the post reported Justin to the police.  Now he's in jail for making "terroristic threats" and faces $500,000 for bail and up to 8 years in prison!
And this weekend his dad told CNN: "He's very depressed, very scared, and ... concerned that he's not going to get out.... He's pretty much lost all hope."

Please sign our petition to Justin -- we'll deliver it to his family, and also to the people who are persecuting him.
PETITION TO JUSTIN CARTER: Justin, please know that thousands of people across the country are horrified by what you're going through, and will stand with you and try to make things right.

Click here to sign -- it just takes a second.
-- The folks at

P.S. If the other links aren't working for you, please go here to sign:

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The angora torture. Stop it!

But even when I'm grey
I still be greymy way

H&M has stopped production of all its angora products in response to horrific video footage showing the torture of rabbits on angora farms in China.
But Zara refuses to do the same. Tell Zara to save the bunnies, and cease production of angora products. 
Sign the Petition
Great news! Huge clothing retailer, H&M, ceased production of all its angora products last week, in response to horrific video footage released by PETA that shows rabbits screaming in pain as their fur is torn off at angora farms in China, and to a 77,000-strong SumOfUs petition.
Sadly, Zara is refusing to do the same -- at the time of writing, there are still 60 angora items for sale on the Zara website.
Workers in China were secretly filmed by PETA, plucking angora rabbits of all their long, soft fur while they scream. Plucking a rabbit without causing harm takes up to two weeks of gently removing the loosened hair, but here it takes only a few, violent minutes. After this tortuous experience, which the rabbits endure every three months, many of them appeared to go into shock, lying motionless inside their tiny, filthy cages.
H&M has taken responsibility for this barbaric practice, Zara should too.
Tell Zara to stop production of its angora products immediately, and save the bunnies!
Ninety percent of angora fur comes from China, where there are no penalties for abuse of animals on farms and no standards to regulate the treatment of the animals. The reason for this cruelty comes down to profit, pure and simple. Angora has a trade value of $35 to $45 per kilogram, but the longer hair that comes from plucking, as opposed to shearing, can sell for more than double that.
The big retailers have a responsibility to tell their suppliers that they won’t accept this brutal treatment of angora rabbits. H&M have acted, saying in a statement that it will step up inspections of its sub-suppliers before selling angora again. In the meantime, customers can take back their H&M angora products for a full refund. H&M isn’t the only one -- it joins Topshop, New Look, Esprit, Asos, and C&A.
If they can act, Zara can too. But right now, its website is full of angora sweaters, gloves, hats, and scarfs. Zara thinks we don’t care where our clothes from, or how they are made. We need to prove it wrong.
Tell Zara we don’t want to see angora on its shelves. Cease production of angora products!
UK retailers Topshop and Asos’ decision to stop the production of angora was a direct response to our pressure -- SumOfUs members not only signed petitions to those companies, but we kept the pressure up by commenting on the Topshop and Asos Facebook pages, tweeting, making campaign graphics, and writing personal letters -- all leading to a huge victory for both consumers and bunnies! Now let’s multiply our impact, by getting major global clothing retailer Zara to stop selling angora. 
Thanks for all you do,
Hanna, Johnny, Joakim, Martin, Ledys, Paul, and the rest of us at

More Information:
H&M stops the production of all angora products, H&M, 27 November
Stretchers, shears and tiny bunny screams—making that angora sweater is rarely pretty, Quartz, 29 November

Freitag, 13. Dezember 2013

A dark day for gay rights

Dear friends,

Two Indian judges just ruled that gay sex is illegal and can be punished with life sentences! Outrage is building, and if enough of us lend our support today, we can embarrass India and get this crazy ruling overturned. Sign now so that love conquers fear in India:
Two Indian Supreme Court judges just decided that gay sex is illegal. ILLEGAL!! But if we act fast we can help reverse this crazy backwards ruling.

Men and women in India now face police harassment and life imprisonment. This hateful decision is being met with outrage, and if we now show India that outlawing love is making them an international embarrassment we can get the Indian Parliament to fast track passing a law that the judges have to respect.

Sign now to help love conquer fear in India. When we reach 1 million we’ll get all our names written on hundreds of giant hearts ringing the Indian parliament, then place prominent ads showing that the world will no longer accept making love illegal:

The shocking court decision came as a surprise. In 2009, a lower court in India had ruled that a colonial-era law making gay sex illegal violated the Indian Constitution. Most people expected the Indian Supreme Court to uphold that ruling. Instead, they reversed it, endorsing the medieval argument that gay sex is "unnatural, immoral and a reflection of a perverse mind."

Indian lawyers are already preparing to challenge the decision in further legal proceedings, but the Indian Court essentially said this is an issue for the Indian Parliament to decide. The Indian government suggested they could take it to Parliament but that they likely won’t have the votes to change the law and that doing so could take a very long time. But if we make India an international scandal for outlawing gay sex, we can help swing votes and speed the process.

Sign now and send this to 10 others -- let’s make the response to the Indian Supreme Court’s decision overwhelming:

In most of the world, gay rights have gone through a watershed decade. People everywhere are realizing, if they hadn’t already, that love is love and deserves respect and protection. But this didn’t happen by accident -- it happened because of conscientious communities like ours who called out injustice wherever we saw it. India is now the next frontier -- let’s join with those in India to stand up for love.

With hope and determination,

Ian, Alex, Alice, Julien, Christoph, Melanie, Emilie, Ricken and the entire Avaaz team

More information

LGBT community outraged as SC rules gay sex illegal, upholds Sec 377

India Top Court reinstates gay sex ban

Delhi High Court strikes down Section 377 of IPC

Article 377 and LGBT rights: here's what you need to know

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