
Dienstag, 23. November 2021

Take your time

Let's talk about photos

I love photography. I love to watch photos from others, so that I can find ideas, how I can find new, or challenging, ways to make my photos. So that quite normal situations, get that different look and therewith a bit different kind of attention.

Nowadays everyone can make photos. The smarrtphones are pretty good, digital cameras are a booming market, everyone is able to make a quick picture of reasonable quality.

I like to show my photos at FaceBook, Instagram and Viewbug, and I am not the only one :)  
I am aware, that many people are much better photographers. And I always think, why that is.  
I more and more find out, that the secret in a good photo is in the time that you take for it. 

Looking to the motive (the 5 seconds rule), before clicking, in that time considering if another angle, another perspective, is maybe giving the photo a bit more.
Then, the knowledge of the camera comes to it. No matter what camera, they all have their own qualities, the (super)wide angle in Smartphones is cool, when you know what effect it has at your photo.
With my dslr I need to change objectives, to get all the things that roll easily out of a smartphone. 

One of the reasons that I make many photos with my camera, is, that it takes time. I have fun in taking photos, and as written above, one of the challenges is to find the proper look.

I see many people, sharing the same hobby as I, making photos, quick and cozy. Nice shots come out, but it is a bit different.  I think everyone can see the differencre between a photo that is shot , just to shoot , or a photo with who the photographer has an idea, a view he wants to give us. 

The social media are perfect places, to show your photos easily.  And when I see, what some photographers (what is in a name), how many photos they post,  then I do not feel like looking to them. Why?
Because most of the photos are the same, a kind of average photo, that 'anyone' can make, and in real makes indeed.

I think that that is the difference between a snapshot and photos.  Photos can be a kind of art. 
And I often think, that I can look as long to a photo, as the time the photographer took for the photo.
In that view I am so happy, that I can not see alll the work from sme specific photographers. It is not the amount that counts (or being everywhere where action is). It is the empathy, that the photographer has for his photo. And then you can photograph everything, and make it look intresting.

My advise. Take ttime.  Less is more.  


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