
Freitag, 1. August 2014

the miracle

When you look to the messages of the world, and we can do that so easily, television, internet, radio, apps, it looks like half of the world is in war and the other half  is starving from hunger.
It goes without saying that the major part of humans is in the role of victims, and the minority in the role of audience. We are part of that minority, watching the wars with the bag of crisps next to us, ready to zap to another channel or open another site when we have seen enough of the drama.

When you look back into history, you see that regurarily big wars are returning, there is always some strong power what tries to rule a big part of the world ... and in the end they all fail.
At the moment the religious wars are very prominent, even more prominent then the new 'cold war'  between the West and the Russian bear.
But, war is war, and where is war, there are victims, innocent victims.
The easiest way is to blame others for the situation. 
The people in Gaza blame Israel for killing their people, easily forgetting that an extreme group, that they support, constantly threathens Israel to do the same. It is only a matter of time before they as well have the power to slaughter and no one will be surprised then that they will strike back.

How many years ago, John Lennon did write the words war is over, if you want it?
This simple words are exactly where it is about.
What would a war be, when no one is attending?

It is so easy to blame others, and ask for revenche, when you are the victim of something, of a war. But who is screaming the loudest for revenche?
What should you do, when your family is killed? Should you run and take revenge?  I think that most of us should sit down, quietly, being sad, moaning and not knowing what to do.  The victims in the war know as no other that violence back is not a solution.  Violence cannot take away your sadness, it is not satisfying the loss of who are killed.

A war has no winners.
The people who scream and encourage the violence, are the people who try to take advantage of it. The people that earn money with selling weapons (no matter to who). The politicians that are afraid to loose ther power, their face, their reputation.
The people in the street do not want to kill others. Intstitutions lke the army are a kind of legalized murderers, trained to kill. But I am sure that the soldiers who say, hey, I am bored, let's go to fight, are in a small minority.  Same is with the extremists, who kill others. When the public opinion, we,  sympathizes with them, and in that way allowing that they kill innocent people, then we, the 'public'  are to blame for making the wars possible.

And when you say that religion or poverty is one of the reasons for war, then I say that you are talking bullshit.
There is no religion that preaches for violence. There is in fact  no one in the world who wants it. Just a small extreme group. And we can blame no one but ourself, to give those powers the feed to slaugher our people.

Why are you so shocked when the bomb drops at your house, or when your family is involved?  You are the one who did not take action. You did allow your 'party'  to buy weapons, to provocate, to encourage violence against others.
You are the parrot, that talks what others say, and get rewarded with a peanut, so that you say it again, and so that others say it as well, so that the few that want it can say, see? THEY want it. YOU want it.

Why being a parrot?
Why not telling your own opinion?
And even better, why not show that you are not one of those that blindly talks what others say?
Show it! 
There are better jobs then serving the army

It is easy to say hello to someone in the bus, who looks different. Is that person a threat of you, because of the other clothes, the other skin color?
Do you realy need to swear to someone that isnt able to talk in your language, and tell them to off to their own country?

Be better. Keep your eyes open. Be nice to others. You get what you give. Give a smile and you get a smile back, When another threathens you, dont try to convince him with power.  Or her.  Convince them with living together. Help that lady over the street, or with carrying her shoppingbag.  Or that frrom that old man.
Dont be scared when someone shows up being dressed unusual. Dont judge about people who look different then you.  We are all God's people. And it doesnt matter if you believe in God, Allah, or that something else is your religion.

We dont need violence do we?  So why feeding it?

Just do it. It doesnt hurt. Dont be the parrot. Be the human being, show your heart. It is worth to be seen!

The one thing we're all waiting for 
is peace on earth, an end to war 
It's a miracle we need, the miracle 
The miracle we're all waiting for today

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