
Samstag, 6. Juni 2020

(again) freedom

A never ending theme is the freedom of speech. And, a never ending theme, as long as I am on Facebook, is, the freedom of speech at facebook.

I reacted at something someone copied (a speech) at his time line. My reaction was a bit emotional and just sideways to the topic.
The reaction, that came back promptly was, if you have an opinion, put it at your own 'timeline'. and that made me thinking, because  a lot of people have this kind of attitude.

The question that bubbled up in me is this.

We 'all' have our own area at facebook, where we can post and do what we want (within the rules, of course).  Why should I not react, when someone, who is in my friends list (also who matters, for one or another reason), posts something?  I can add a thumb or a silly smiley, but I can also discuss the subject.
What is the use of posting things, when you then seem to say,  hey, guys, I posted this, take it or leave it. It is MY property.

Maybe I should accept, that not everyone is like me. When I post something (it can be provoking), then I like to see reactions. It happens that I change my mind, during the discussion, or (most likely) not.  It helps to give me insight, in why another is acting or telling things his/her way. 
I do like it so much, to get smarter, to understand others.

Why are people blocking me, for when they post something (about the bill gates conspiracy, for example), and I ask, what the sources for their post are?
Why  is it better for them to ignore my question, rather then trying to convince me for why they stand for an opinion?

I am not sure if I want to know the answer. Because I think I know the answer already.

I better let go. If I can :)