
Dienstag, 27. Februar 2018

Ein neu(e)s Dokument

Ein neues Blog, aber es ist noch leer.

Keine Angst. Da kommt so ein und ander dazu.

Und es wird ein paar Leute nicht gefällen.  Was nicht schlimm ist, weil die Leute mag ich nicht.  Es gibt einfach keinen Platz in Deutschland für hass und Diskriminnation.


Der Betreiber von Nüssbook,  mag es nicht das kritisch über seine Gruppe geschrieben wird.  Jedoch, immer mehr Menschen kotzen von der Gruppe, und möchten nicht das die Gruppe mit den Neussern liiert wird.

Also, wenn ich meine Bewertung geschrieben habe, auf eine Support Gruppe (gegen Nüssb.) haben sie sich mühe gemacht und FaceBook hat die Bewertung wieder geläscht.

Natürlich mache ich dann eine neue Bewertung.

Hans Friedhoff
 · vor 13 Minuten
Weißt ihr was die beste Anerkennung ist?
Wenn die Nüssdings die mühe nehmen um deine Bewertung löschen zu lassen!

Danke, für alle mühe die hier gemacht wird. Danke, das Neuss hier zeigt das es reicht mit was dort auf den Nüssdings Gruppe passiert. Keiner möchtet das mehr.

Nur einen handvoll Leute, und ihren dutzenden fake Accounts, versuchen hartnäckig alle kritik zu löschen.
Nüssbook ist nicht mehr von der Neusser, aber von ein paar Radikalen, die ... uppsss. jetzt soll ich schweigen, ansonsten wird dieses wieder gelöscht.

Mach weiter so, Bullshit und Fründe, Neuss ist STOLZ auf euch!

Weiter gibt es ene 'Barsch', die denkt das sie glaübwürdig ist.  Wir wissen besser und vertraue ihr nicht. Und schaue mal wer es geföllt.

01 03. Es geht weiter.
Während Busted voll mit Hassreden steht, aber von allen ignoriert wird, geht der NB seite fleißig weiter und enttarnt immer mehr Personen aus Nüssbuh.

Das die Nüssbuhers den Gegenseite noch immer nervt, zeigt man mit diesen Post.

Neue fake Name?  Oder eine neue Rechtse Racker?

Sonntag, den  4 März.

Es rührt sich in Nüssdings.

Eine neue Admin.  Wolfgang Schmitz Hauptaccunt ist aus der Gruppe,  Sein Jerry Fletcher Account ist von Facebook gesperrt.

Coming soon!

Donnerstag, 15. Februar 2018

The enemy

In a world, where political leaders become more and more dictators, and preach hate and destruction, we are constantly confrontated with hate and people who tell us who aour enemies are, and how to destruct them.

The idea, to repeat those words until others start to believe them, is already old. The problem, with a free internet is, that people can post a lot without that the things are moderated. What also means that it gest pretty hard to see the different between reality and the war propaganda.

Disagreement and fear are the excuses why countries encourage weapon production, and what is a production when there are no customers for it.
When your country has a twisted fundamental right for posessing weapons, then you can not be surprised when those weapons are used as well.

Guns, in any form, are made to kill, and not to defend!   When you think that that is the way to feel saver, then you are wrong, because not only you will use the weapens, the one yyou disagree with uses it as well. So you both will be the looser, in the end, because you create not a solution, you only eliminate the problem for the moment, until it shows up again.

TV and internet show the access of weapons.  They also show (as long as it is not censored), the things that can happen when you use weapons. War is a thing we are used to.  And when there is a country where in 2 months about 20 shoot outs at school take place, you must seriously ask yourself what you want to do to make that changing again.
If you think promoting hate is the answer, you get a kind of 'kill them all', and give yourself a reason to use violence and weapons.
If you take away the weapons, and force the people to talk with each other, to take their own responsibility, then you save not only lifes, but you also start to return to where it is all about.

Living together - instead of killing eachother
Listen to eachother - instead of hate
Love eachother, because we all live at this planet, and there is no one who really wants a weapon to be shot

Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2018

Facing the dark

Wehn we look with open eyes to the world, we know that there is a huge cloud hanging above us. It rapidly grows and takes away the sunshine and respect for eachother.  Instead it will bring hate, fear, and fight. Consequently no good for anything, just for the weapon industry.

People have thoughts about how they can make the world better.
The problem comes when people live at that world, and have different ideas of the world that they live in.
Some people consider the world around them as the world.  They want to build a wall around it, so that no one can come in.
Their world  is restricted to power and getting as much as possible from 'the rest of the world'.  They say that there are others, who are responsible for that they can not get all they want, and they want to get rid of them.  Some call it refugees, some call it coloured people, some call it the people that are not fitting in their system.  Go work, instead of producing art. Go work for me, instead of working for your own world.

People shall try to convince others, that what they do is the proper way, the only proper way. And who not fits in their system, is useless. Consequently can be treated as if they not exist, deportated out of the country, or simply not getting the chance to educate or finding the job that they are good in.

This dark cloud will grow. We only need to read the history books, to see what will happen. That is, as long as history is not rewritten and as long as the truth (from the past) is allowed. Because in the past is the future.
We can learn from history, that, sooner or later, the repression, the agression, will loose. It might last long, but the resistance will always win.  Hate will always be beaten by love.

Knowing that, makes me strong to resist. There are so many people who are not willing to wait until the darkness is complete. And those people, are in the end, the people what are the source for the disappearance of the darkness.  They will be the light, when it is dark.  No matter how hard 'they' try to switch off the light, the light of love and care can not be destroyed.  So, there will be a day, that life is bright again. It is good possible that we will not see much of it. But our children, our grandchildren, they will see it. Just like we see the light, for what our grandparents have fought. It will cost something, but it is worth to fight for.

Don't repay hate with hate. Don't give others what they want you to give them. Think by yourself. Read a book, find people around you who think like you.  Be nice, and replace the hate with the smile. You not need to be afraid, no one can take away the hope  in your heart.  Be there, for the ones that you love. They are there, for who they love. Because, even the darkest monsters, somewhere, have a heart as well. And no matter how hard they try to deny it, they know, as well as we, that love will win.
So, why not join the winners?  Ever seen winners in a war?  Let's be good for eachother. We are worth it!