
Freitag, 22. November 2013

Why we should not tell we need it more then they do.

I add an english comment to this, because I think it is important. 

I have seen some reactions about the help for the philipines, that basically say, why should we help there, whilst people in our country are suffering as well?  And then comes an encouragement to donate something to a charity in your own country, helping the poor people or things like that.

I think that that is the same as that you say, our country for ours, other countries for others, our own people fist.
I do realize, and I do know better then many others how hard it is for a lot of poeople in our country to survive, with having almost no money and so more.  But if you use that as a reason to encourage others to just ignore the people in other countries, I honestly doubt your sincereness in this.

How do you dare to tell others where to spent their money to? 
How do you dare to tell that the people there, who have no water, no food, no home, no family, need our support less then people here who DO have a home, or DO have food, or DO have family?  Even if it is a little bit?
How do you dare to tell others that YOU are more important then the people there?

In my eyes it is  a simple thing.  People, here, who have no money, who cannot afford things, they dont need to spend for charity, far away or at home. They should use the facilities that are around.
People that do have money to spent, no matter how little amount, they should be free to spent it, there and here. Also at both places. Not excluding one, for whatever reason. We are all God's people!

It is a signal of the time. 
People tend to think onlly at their own.  Only people who can afford that, do so.

 You can make a choice. 

The people who are starving from hunger have no choice. They are dependend from us.
Excluding a country is the same as excluding a group of people. Telling they are less important is only a tiny little step away from telling, let them die, we deserve more to live. Who are you to say so?
More and more people are saying these things, without that they realize that this is exactly how genocide starts.  I do hope that you start thinking, before yelling what others tell. I do hope that you do not join these dangerous exploits.

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Beste heer Chaos,

Vorige week heb ik u gemaild over WSPA’s inzet op de Filipijnen. Dankzij u en andere dierenliefhebbers hebben wij meer dan €40.000 op kunnen halen voor noodzakelijke hulp voor de dieren daar. Ons noodhulpteam dat nu ter plekke is, heeft me gisteren een update gestuurd over de situatie. Deze week heeft het team zo’n 4.000 dieren geholpen in de stad Cebu met voer, medische zorg en vaccinaties.

De nood op de Filipijnen blijft zeer groot, dus het tweede WSPA noodhulpteam is inmiddels op weg naar Panay, een gebied waar nog nauwelijks noodhulp voor dieren beschikbaar is. Het team gaat direct helpen in dit gebied waar we de problemen momenteel zeer groot zijn.


Dank voor uw inzet,


Ruud Tombrock
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