
Sonntag, 28. April 2013

An effective way to destroy my enemies

This was in my inbox, yesterday, and I did think alot about it.

In fact I am a peace loving person, but somehow I am able to make enemies easy as well. How comes?  Well, I do know, it is because I am emotional and I fight for justice, peace, and so more.

So, when I, for example, see again how much money is spent for the royal change in the Netherlands, I simply can NOT shut up, and I can NOT stop kicking against it, and because it is not possible to kick the proper persons, I have to do it with people that are around me.
Just an example. It is not working this way, this time, but it could, easily.  When one tells a word about the wrong football team (of what there are many); (s)he can get the load as well, just out of the blue, when I feel like.

But, I dont know if it is the age, or something else, I can make enemies easily, but I can make peace as well.

There are a few good examples of that in every part of my life.  And, to bring it back to the digital part, what it is about here, sometimes fights result in close friendships that last through the years.

No, not all are in that happy circle. A few people I cannot become friends with. But that is because they are dangerous, using others to reach their goals. We all know what can happen when people recruit people around them, to fight for the targets of their leader :)

“We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.”

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