
Mittwoch, 9. Juni 2010

About nicks and something more

Hello dear friends

Wednesday afternoon it is, and slowly the things here get back to normal. I know, only for a short time, but still!
Memories of the trip to Berlin, not in the least because of the pictures that I am struggling through, and it is hard to imagine that it was such a warm sunny weather just a few days ago. But that''s how it is!

Memories, hopeful for the future and in thoughts with my dear friend who lost her father past night.
Life is a strange thing, and saying goodbye is a part of it. We can't deny it, we get it and we take it.
And you know what is great? When people don't give up, and keep on telling you that they are there, even when I keep silence for a good reason. Life is a wonderful thing and I enjoy every moment of it. I can only say, do it as well, it helps!

Nicknames... Ah well, some people do use my nickname in real life as well and I don't mind that at all. My nick name became part of me, and more and more I feel comfortable with it, the planet, or the lord of the rings ;)
I live to the label, what is different than the cat, who is labelled after the way he lives :)

Take care and have a wonderful day (and clck at the pic for the song that is related to my nick)

TT f N

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